Life Manual

Life is better handled, prepared.

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Where is the spark?

On 03-02-16 got featured as a ‘local talent’ on a local radio station @QFradio2. I was asked to come and had time to read a couple of my poems with the listeners of the QFDRIVESHOW . As I was quickly going through the poems to find something worthy of being read on air, I began having certain thoughts on what emotions were the ones that I used to feel and those that prompted me to write poetry. It was a natural flow because of a spark of imagination.

Where is my spark now?

Is it because that I am much older to when I used to write poetry? Is this a natural process that as when you grow up, you tend to lose the thought process since you are bogged down by more responsibilities and have to have more practical thoughts to sustain daily life than creative ones..

I am not happy that I can’t write poetry anymore and I do want to restart…….maybe I shall soon.


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Premium Al Rabeeh Clinic

I’ve been lazy last year and did not visit a dentist and failed miserably at keeping up with the recommended bi-annual dentist visit. So at the beginning of the year, I got on to my feet and went for a dental check up to the clinic named above since it is near to where I live. Now, the clinic name specifies the word premium although I fail to understand the ‘premium’ element in it. Maybe, it’s much better compared to their regular clinics but when compared to some other local clinics, it fails to live up to the name.
There is no water dispenser in the male waiting area although there is a toilet. The urinals are shaped very weirdly, designed to ensure spilling quite a bit on the floor or you will risk splashing yourself with your own urine. Yep sir, choose your lesser evil.
Now, why I’ve mentioned the water dispenser is because during the evening time, the appointment system becomes void. I’ve had two instances both with prior appointments, first time I had to wait a total of about 45 minutes, the second time, I was late (I admit) but had to wait for over an hour to see the dentist.  I am guessing someone sitting in the
waiting area for this long would want water by now.
I managed to ask the dentist when I saw him eventually, on what the solution is to this waiting time to which he’s recommended coming on non-busy times, I followed his advice for my appointment yesterday and I saw him straight through.

Have you faced the same issue with other clinics in Doha? ( not the toilet or water dispensers but having a massive waiting time despite having an appointment)